Wednesday 13 November 2013

Bean to the rescue...

It's Thursday, it's been a bullshit week at work and I've got to physically force myself to leave the office to pick up garments for a shoot this weekend, or I'll drown in Contracts.

Scorn, a headache and hunger pangs are setting in. Walking along George Street (toward the gardens) and stumble across a sign. "Down the alleyway - Bean."

I'd heard about it's stellar brews and seeing as today was so shit I'd already succumbed to a coffee, I decided something warm to quell my rage was definitely necessary.

Walking down the alleyway there are stickers, drawings, paintings, tiles, posters and assorted graffiti. Music seems to be playing from the wall which guides you down and around the corner to the front door. Down the stairs, a safe haven awaits.

A charming barista asks me how my day is going and tells me a little fun fact about my order (Marsala chai tea) and how the leaves are directly sourced from India. I tell him about how stumbling down the alleyway and seeing some of the local graff artists is an instant morale booster - the likes of Barek, Forkism, Minou Art and others.

I take my travel cup up and outside to continue my day and stop at an Astro Turf outdoor setting with more artwork adorning the bricks.

My favourite of the works being a magazine clipping of a piglet with the text "Bacon healer of all wounds". Someone has responded to re scrawl with their own, saying "don't heal your wounds with other beings wounds".

This little trip to bean made my day slow down to a pleasant halt, and despite the fact I was now being rained upon while I continued my journey down George Street, I had a warm cup of happy in my hand and the rage was quelled.

Bean is located on 181 George Street and I highly recommend you check it out. They might just save your day, too!

Xx E

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